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Thursday, February 16, 2012


A momentous occasion for a pair & a spare ... was recently featured in  my style bible, the NET-A-PORTER magazine (which I read weekly, if not daily). They've listed apaas as one of the top ten blogs to bookmark in 2012 - alongside absolute favorites Vanessa JackmanFrou Frou and Candice Lake.  Who would have thought that the queens of luxury and style over at net-a-porter HQ would also have a penchant for reworking, studding, glitter-izing and generally mess-making DIY projects? Once again, DIY proves to have zero limitations in its appeal. So happy to share half a page with friend and fellow Aussie Vanessa Jackman - who snapped me a few years ago at LFW when I had only just started my blog and was a complete newbie. 

In the magazine you can shop my style too - lets just say I'm drooling over all the the neon and tribal inspired pieces and only wish that I could afford to shop my own look... In the meantime, I've got my sewing machine at the ready!

In other news, picked up the lifestyle section of the South China Morning Post today to be greeted by my cheesy grin and an article about my addiction to DIY and the contents of my closet. Set in the corner of the smallest apartment in the world, you can read the article here (you may have to log in which I think you can do for free). These are a few of the pics taken by the talented Carmen Chan.

Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for tuning in to read my ramblings here - you guys inspire me to do more and better projects all the time and I'm so happy to be part of such a creative community of DIYers. I have heaps of fun projects in the works so stay tuned!

(Ok so horn tooting is over and done with - normal DIY content to resume shortly!)

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