I can't explain how excited I was to see this month's Cosmopolitan Australia - which includes an 8 page spread of a pair & a spare DIY projects, many of which are exclusive to the magazine. Admittedly I almost fell over when I got hold of my copy and saw my feet on the front cover - right next to Scarlett's boobies no less!
For those of you in Australia, run, don't walk, to your local newsagent to snag yourself a copy and get amongst twelve fun and simple projects. For those of you in other parts of the world, I'll be publishing a few selected projects here so you don't miss out so stay tuned this month.
Massive thanks to the team at Cosmopolitan - you truly have your finger on the blogging world pulse and it was a pleasure working with you. Thanks also to Free People for contributing one of their guest projects to the spread. I've got so much love for your studded denim cut offs - so happy that Cosmo does too!