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Friday, August 12, 2011

Outfit: "Layering on Friday"

Playing with sheer fabrics to create an interesting outfit is one of my favorite things to do lately. I love the challenge to develop an elegant look with it. I used various layers for today's outfit. The first one is the Lingerie Please bra, above it the sheer top, over that a long vest and the last layer is my new perfect-shaped Outfitters Nation jacket. The TOD's bag doesn't need further explanation. Y'all know I'm it's lover.

Lingerie Please sells the most amazing bras and other lingerie, so if you've got a little time, I think you should visit the shop! :)

PS I'm sorry for the spamming of this message, but would you please vote for me HERE by clicking on "STEM"? It's just one second of your time and I'd be sooooo grateful. I really want to win, so I need your votes! You're able to vote every day again, if you want! I really appreciate it that so many of you voted once or several times for me. You're stars!!! <3

Jacket - Outfitters Nation, Bra - Lingerie Please, Sheer shirt - DIY

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