I don't shop a lot at this time of the year. The reason for that? I already want to wear the new spring and summer collections, but the weather doesn't allow me to do that. However, this january/february shopping strike causes me saving money so that I'm able to do tons of amazing purchases by the end of March, when the weather is more favorable - hopefully (I heard they expect a very hot spring, so that's a big yay for me). I'll start working on my spring/summer wishlist this weekend, and I can't describe my euphoric feelings when only thinking of all of the gorgeous items that will come through my laptop screen during this search. Wish me luck with my hunt on the best spring/summer clothes ever!
ps I signed up on Fashiolista today. You can follow me here if you want.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
You rock my world
Chunky heels,
Leather jacket,
Red socks,
Rosary top