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Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts

Saturday, April 7, 2012

{hope you've had a beautiful spring weekend & a few lovely links}


We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine.

— Eduardo Galeano

. . . and it has certainly been a weekend of kisses & wine, and bouquets of roses scattered about the place; there were pim's orange and banana bread, and a traditional sunday dinner with family from out of town; pretty pastel dresses and golden sandals, and that pervasive feeling, that has been hanging in the air for the past few months, of change and excitement for the next few days and weeks . . .

hope you've had an impossibly lovely spring weekend, and that it's beautiful where you are,
roséline xo

[a few lovely links below] x

CONTINUE ---------------------------------->

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Song of Style on Instagram

My sister and I in Old town Pasadena / Quote on my DIY chalkboard (last seen here) / At the airport on my way to Argentina (Obey Jeans, Botkier Bag, Cole Haan Shoes) / At the airport on my way back from Argentina (7Fam Jeans, Cole Haan Shoes) / At the airport on my way back from San Francisco / Measuring walls at my new job site in San Francisco / I almost fell off the ladder backwards while trying to take this outfit detail shot / Succulents and flowers in my office

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Song of Style on Instagram

I'm headed to Argentina today so blogging will be slow this week but I'll be instagramming as much as I can (addicted much? Yes!) so follow my journey @songofstyle on instagram!

Monday, March 5, 2012


If you eat fruit salad and don't instagram it, did you ever really eat it? If you go to the flower markets and don't instagram it, did you ever really go? And if your puppy looks up at you with puppy dog eyes you don't instagram it, do you even own a dog?


Ok so clearly I'm just as obsessed with instagram as everyone else...

My week:
Speaking at the Redress Design Competition (video to come) | Sewing labs at Hong Kong Design Institute
Tassel garland DIY | Not so average jewelry storage
Best cheesecake @ Posto | Button shopping
Sweet treats | Family visit to HK (feat. new Ellery sunnies - I want!)
Neck Candy DIY | Glass beads at the markets in HK
Weekend uniform feat. new J Brand wax coated skinnies | Cap toe action

follow @apairandaspare on instagram

Friday, March 2, 2012

Arm Swag

Since so many of you have asked me where all of my bracelets are from, I thought I'd do a dedicated post on my arm swag. Majority of them I wear over and over which is why I don't tag/link them all of the time. All photos are from my instagram @songofstyle

(From L to R: Friendship Bracelet from Venice Beach, Anarchy Street Beaded Bracelet, Studded Spike Bracelet from Mom, Friendship Bracelets from Benita)

(Swarovski Watch, Anarchy Street Skull Bracelet, Studded Spike Bracelet from Mom, Yochi Designs Zipper Bracelet via Ideeli, Michelle Chang Skull Ring)

(Low Luv Bracelet, all rings from Sun Park NYC)

(Studded Spike Bracelet from Mom, Yochi Design Zipper Bracelet via Ideeli, Cartier Watch, CC Skye Spike Bracelet)

(Left is Julie's Arm, from top to bottom: Yochi Design Zipper Bracelet via Ideeli, Anarchy Street Skull Bracelet, Swarovski Watch, Spike from Mom, Cartier Watch)


Friday, February 10, 2012

Song of Style on Instagram


My first day of New York Fashion Week is today and I've partnered with Kanon Organic Vodka to share my personal photos on the Friends of Kanon NYFW Instagram Viewer. Not only can you see my instagram feed but you'll also be able to filter by designer, blogger, FOK (that's Friends of Kanon) and some of the classic fashion week hastags (#nyfw, #cfda, etc.)
You can also comment and share your favorites with friends!
Please check out the page here as I'll be updating quite often!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Song of Style on instagram

Everyday I'm instagrammin'! Follow me @songofstyle !
Also, any interesting instagram users that I should follow?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Song of Style on Instagram


This week was the busiest week I've had so far so I was unable to take daily outfit photos for my blog. Thankfully, I had my iPhone so I instagramed a few outfits and random things around my apartment! If you're on instagram, follow me at songofstyle!
Happy weekend everyone!

Friday, December 30, 2011


Happy New Year guys! I'm on holiday in Aus at the moment having a little bit of a relax. I've also been busy DIYing and planning DIYs for 2012. I knocked up a little metal belt which I can't wait to share with you. Hint: quick AND easy! Thank you so much for following along guys, 2011 has been such a fun year and I can't wait to kick off 2012 with a bang. Good luck for 2012! xxxx

sass & bide dress / DIY metal belt (coming soon)
sass & bide shorts / spotted myself in Harper's Bazaar
playing on the beach / more playing on the beach
DIY neon cuff (coming soon) / early morning on the beach

Monday, November 21, 2011

{how to : iphone photography & favourite apps}



. . . it has been said that the best camera is the one you have with you, and with all the running around these days, and always so many lovely things to capture while traipsing about, often the only camera on hand is my iphone, which have come to rely on more and more for so many things, but especially the camera; and since joining instagram some time ago, have been having the loveliest time sharing little glimpses here and there, of everyday life, and have been asked, time and again, about the photographs in my stream -- how to split images into frames, how to get that dreamy, romantic sparkle, and so on -- and so, thought it might be fun to share a few favourite apps along the way . . .

{p.s.} for those not using iphones & apps, you can view the photographs online with: instagrid // heroku // followgram

lyon in the rain // instagram with toaster filter



"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever . . . it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything."
~ Aaron Siskind



above, instagram filters : early bird & toaster


. . . normally only use two or three apps other than instagram, but p prefers to play around with a broader range, and so, a few of our favourites:

  1. accu camera : to steady shots
  2. shake it : for polaroid-like effects
  3. ps express : for cropping & rotating images
  4. snapspeed : a powerful app for selective photo edits & filters
  5. instagram : for filters & sharing
  6. pro hdr : for combining two of the same images to extend the dynamic range
  7. picfx : for filters & favourite {this is glamorous} bokeh effects
  8. lens flare : for a large collection of amazing lens flare effects
  9. pic frame : to split images into separate frames & create collages
  10. toy slr : for creating focus & blur
  11. picture show : fun exposures & mirror filters
  12. dramatic black & white : for converting images to black & white and adding sharpness

chandelier // apps used: instagram with toaster filter, picframe & picfx


a few favourite things // intsagram with toaster filter

light effects of image on the right, created with picfx

door in geneva // apps used: instagram, picframe & picfx


the window seat of an airplane // instagram with early bird filter, no light effects, only the magical reflection of the sun's golden rays . . .
morning latte // apps used: instagram, picframe & picfx

self-portrait: vintage necklace & french dots //instagram with toaster filter

iOS 5 : new & updated features

  1. press the up volume button to take a photo
  2. access the camera from the lock screen by double tapping the home screen and touching the camera icon
  3. when taking a picture, touch on the screen where you want the exposure and focus to be measured from
  4. turn on the grid from the options tab, which can help with composition and to keep your image straight
  5. use two fingers to pinch the screen to access the zoom feature

. . . and may have missed a few -- would love to know the favourite apps you're currently using?


{images: all iphone photography by roséline on instagram}
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